Hariyo Pusta

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We are Loud. We are Resilient. We are Hariyo Pusta.

What is Hariyo Pusta?

‘Hariyo Pusta’ is a youth-initiative, which has been strengthening and promoting climate change adaptation, mitigation, and climate responsive sustainable urban planning through informative sessions, eco-club formation and mass plantation programs.

In 2022 and 2023, Hariyo Pusta’s young team worked in 14 municipalities of emerging cities in Nepal to boost greenery, mitigate the consequences of climate change and encourage youth- led climate initiatives. We have directly reached over 3124 students of 42 schools and formed 42 eco-clubs (Hariyo Pusta club) all over Nepal. We have successfully organized youth-focused cycle rallies followed by plantation activity in unused open spaces of the municipalities. Hariyo Pusta, a name widely adored by Nepalese people, is a movement for sustainable prosperity, justice and inclusion.

Training the Next Generation of Climate Activists

Hariyo Pusta reached all 7 provinces of Nepal with the help of 14 Provincial Project In- charges (PPIs) who were young locals (ages 16-24 y/o) of the region. The Provincial Project In-charges attended a series of expert-led sessions where they received training on how to effectively deliver their advocacy plan. The workshop equipped the participants with knowledge on climate change mitigation and adaptation plans/policies of Nepal, climate justice, sustainable urban planning, and plantation techniques.

Building Generations with Green Values

3124 students from 42 schools received a 3-hour interactive knowledge session. PPIs facilitated this session to help students understand why we need climate action now, how it’s hampering them as well as other innocent youths and children in Nepal and how they can be advocates of climate action in their community. The session covered topics such as effects of climate change and greenhouse gasses on Earth’s climate, adaptation and mitigation strategies by youth, climate justice, role of youth in nature protection, concept of 5Rs in waste management, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and United Nations Conference of Parties (COP).

Investing in Hariyo Pusta Club-led Initiatives

Hariyo Pusta supports this initiative to advocate learning outside the confined walls of a classroom and build eco-smart schools for the green generation.Hariyo Pusta clubs, in support of PPIs, led a 1-day plantation and cycle rally event in their school periphery with other students at their school. 42 school plantation events were organized by Hariyo Pusta Clubs where they planted saplings of locally adored species and high oxygen giving plants.

Pivot towards Green Mobility

Hariyo Pusta organized cycle rallies in 7 provinces of Nepal to encourage green mobility and to address climate change in the transport sector through mitigation and adaptation. The event was organized in collaboration with local CSOs, youth organizations, youth volunteers, traffic offices and municipality offices. The participants cycled to a barren area or park and planted tree saplings in coordination with the local government office.

Rising to the Challenge!

Air Quality Detector is an environmental sensing device, which lets school students measure their local environmental data, such as humidity and air pollution. The device was distributed to the 7 Hariyo Pusta clubs of 7 schools (1 school per province).

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